Did the mojo in your laundry room disappeared down the drain with your grey water long ago? Does your laundry room look like something out of the twilight zone?
While the process for doing laundry can vary from household to household, what ironically is most common, is that organization of the laundry area tends to be one of the most neglected spaces in the home. Doing laundry is no doubt the most mind-numbing of tasks, however, it still makes sense to keep the area which is designated for cleaning neat and well-organized.
What we all want in the end is to save time when it comes to doing any laundry task. Having an organized laundry room
will also help to inspire you in establishing more productive time saving strategies for the rest of your household tasks. So, here are 6 clever tips to help you get your laundry organization
back on track.
Do Laundry On A Specific Day
Doing laundry on specific days helps you to stay organized with your wash cycles. Making a regular day or days each week, depending on how much washing you have to do, also helps with planning what you wear and organizing what you will need to wash to be available for specific activities. This kind of routine is invaluable for maintaining good organization in your life.
Have A Hamper For Each Wash Type
Creating hampers that you can label according to wash loads is one of the most effective ways for organizing laundry. For example: darks/colors, whites, towels etc.. This fantastic time saver will make your life so much easier!
Keep A Basket For Lost Socks
Missing socks is a recurring experience for many people. You can help solve the mystery of the missing sock phenomenon by having a basket for lost socks in your laundry. Any time you come across a solo sock check the basket for it’s match. You will find that the lone sock disappearances begin to decrease substantially.
Have A Nik-Naks Basket
A small basket placed on a laundry shelf for putting in items that have been emptied from your clothing pockets like buttons, loose change and other bits and pieces, will save the item from being lost or destroyed in the wash. And who knows, by the end of the month you may be quite surprised at how much loose change you have recovered.
Use Drying Racks For Delicates
If you prefer to hang-dry certain items, be sure to have some hanging racks where you do the laundry. There are pull-down and retractable hanging rods available that fold away when not in use. Hang drying prevent wrinkles and will save you lots of time on ironing, so make sure to hang the items immediately when they come out of the wash or dryer.
Have A Mending Basket
Placing a specific basket to suit in your laundry for items that need mending is a great way to keep this part of your life organized. When the basket is full, whether it be weekly or monthly, drop them off at the local seamstress. That way you can always have the items you love the most available to wear.
Give Your Laundry A Complete Makeover
There are many fabulous ways to get your laundry organized. However, having the right laundry storage space can be crucial to maintaining good organizational habits. So perhaps it’s time to give your tired old laundry a makeover you deserve, so you can spend more time doing the things you love to do.
Are you ready to consider some strategic solutions for your Laundry storage? The professional team at Closets Gallery are offering residents around the Sacramento, Folsom and El Dorado Hills area a No Obligation FREE In-Home Design Consultation simply by calling us and mentioning this offer. And before you know it you will have your laundry mojo back!
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